Sunday, August 22, 2010

What is your thoughts on advertising?

These days, our TV is bombarded with commercials for everything from cars to hemorroid creams. Do you think that 60% commercials/40% TV programing is fair? What about billboards and magazine advertising?

What is your thoughts on advertising?
You're right, it doesn't seem fair, does it? But unfortunately it

is a necessary evil required in order to sell and promote

products. There is too much competition these days not to

advertise and try to convince the shopper of why they need

your product. It's the difference that makes a successful

business and one that fails.

I especially don't like to see page after page of it in mag-

azines, so I am more selective now with what I buy. Since

I don't plan to buy a magazine that is mostly ads, no matter

how many scented cologne papers I find among the pages.

When you consider how much an average ad may cost

these days, and multiply that by 'x' number of pages in most

magazines, you can get a little idea of how much money

these advertisers are paying the magazine to show their

products. And they complain about the cost of producing

their monthly magazines? I guess they think the buying public

is too naive.

The cost of advertising on TV is much more expensive

than on paper or billboards. And it is annoying to see so

many ads fill our screens every ten or maybe even more

minutes. But there doesn't seem to be any solution to

that, unless you totally watch the Public Broadcasting

channel that provides commercial free programming,

but does want your donation dollar instead.
Reply:TV ads suck big time!

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