Thursday, August 19, 2010

Banning alcohol and tabacco advertising?

Should alcohol and tabacco advertising be banned?

Banning alcohol and tabacco advertising?
Only where children can see it, the rest of us are old enough to decide for ourselves.
Reply:Tobacco I would support being banned, but the alcohol banning I'm against.
Reply:It's not really necessary at this point, alcohol and ciggies pretty much sell themselves these days.
Reply:tabacco should be

not so much alcohol
Reply:I think tobacco definately should
Reply:Tobacco already is and hard liquor should be, I kinda like some of the beer commercials...
Reply:Well I don't see why the commercials are necessary atleast for cigarettes.Iit's not like we (kids included) don't already know what alcohol and tobacco are anyway ESPECIALLY if your parents smoke. If you smoke chances are you already have your prefered brand so why do we need a bunch of advertisements. Besides I don't think children pick up smoking from advertisments. I think they pick it up from whomever they are hanging around that does it. Now as far as alcohol goes, I like knowing whats out there. Someone is always coming up with a new flavor or mixture for something. On the other hand it could be that i'm just biased since I don't smoke but I do drink socially and I like to know what's out there were as for cigarettes, I just don't care.

As far as banning the advertisements to, I suppose, keep children from being tantlized by it, it's not going to work. It's already out there nowl All stopping advertisements is going to do is make kids more curious. Besides when it comes to banning alcohol commercials, the only way that's going to work is if someone decides to ban the sell of alcohol at all places except the local ABC store because children can see it all the time when they go to the grocery store. You ask your child to go grab a 12 pack of soda from the soda aisle and the alcohol is right there on the other side. So by all means ban the cigarette commercials, who needs those anyway, but leave the alcohol commercials, if you please.

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