Sunday, August 22, 2010

How can I secure advertising for my web page?

I have a website for mothers, and I would like to get some advertising for the site. Any suggestions?

How can I secure advertising for my web page?
A quick source for advertising would be Google's AdSense or the Yahoo Publisher Network. However, the best way to sell advertising on your site is to let visitors know that they can advertise on your site. Use a "Advertise Here" button to show some of your traffic numbers and search terms visitors use to find your site.

The ad revenue can be paid directly to you for a specific period of time; like by the week or month and you can sell text links, banner ads or buttons of many different sizes.

Good Luck.
Reply:It's all about traffic.

It is a vicious cycle of business. More people visit your site more you can charge for advertising. To get more people to your site you need to spend more money on advertising.

The secret to web site success is usually lays in content. When you have more and interesting content that make people stay on your site and come back often then you get more traffic.

People have a tendency to spread rumors about good things. Also, spend some money on google adword, and yahoo advertising, so you grab some search fanatics out there.

There is no real security in anything these days. Even popular sites have their days of fame and the next day nobody knows about them.

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