Thursday, August 19, 2010

I need some unique advertising ideas for a weekly newspaper.?

We are a well-established local weekly paper. We need some new, unique advertising ideas that would both generate revenue and draw new subscribers. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

I need some unique advertising ideas for a weekly newspaper.?
Not sure how much revenue these generate (I'm an editor, not the ad guy), but our paper enjoys setting up contests, sponsored by local businesses. Our circulation has come up quite a bit in the racks, but our subscribers are decreasing at the same rate. However, the increased rack sales have MORE than made up for lost subscribers.

We do contests that have readers identify "disguised" individuals in town for cash prizes, or locations in town, etc. We recently did an Easter egg contest where we had advertisers sponsor a weekly ad giving location clues for eggs we hid Easter weekend. Each egg entitled the finder to a cash prize.

Our situation is a little different than most, however. Or circulation is very directly tied to rack sales. The printer's schedule will not allow them to print our Thursday paper on any day but Wednesday, and it's available in the racks Wednesday afternoon. Therefore, people say "Why should we subscribe when we can get it a day early?" So these contests help us.
Reply:~*~ Stick some crosswords and sodoku puzzles in the paper. Employees at our airport buy the paper all the time simply for the puzzles! ~*~ Also, good comics strips or contests

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