Sunday, July 11, 2010

Why does Sony keep advertising the PlayStation 3 when they are out of stock anywhere you go?

I mean after the entire unit is released and they insist on advertising it. It sucks when you want one so bad and aren’t able to find one anywhere. Does Sony honestly believe that the avid gamer does not know the unit was released on the 17th? Then you see the commercial for it on the television and know that you probably won’t be able to get one until sometime in June of next year. I heard the Sony Company said that they are going to step up production but, it’s still going to be impossible to get one because of the demand. What makes me even sicker to my stomach is that people are trying to sell the PS3 on E-Bay for thousands of dollars. Why didn’t Sony just have the units mass produced before the release day?

Sorry to vent but, I think its wrong especially knowing how much the unit cost and how they will capitalize on it for a long time!

Why does Sony keep advertising the PlayStation 3 when they are out of stock anywhere you go?
I think Sony had already paid for the Ad time and where hoping that they'd be able to recover from the design setbacks so that they would actually release the system as close as possible to the original date. I've heard a few rumors that people are returning the systems because of problems, so maybe Sony hadn't gotten all the bugs out for the first run. The same happened when the XBox360 came out, and I've heard some stuff about the new Nintendo Wii also. It's one of those times I'm glad I don't have the money to splurge when a new game system or game comes out, by the time I save up enough to get it, all of the problemed first production run units are already dealt with.
Reply:They want to increase the hype for it and make people want it more.
Reply:Yeah I feel the same way. F U Sony.

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