What is the Importance of message in Advertising?
Importance of message in Advertising?
You doing some homework there?
Reply:THE MESAGE of an ad is an illusive point.
With the media's advertising-slant (message vs. appeal) running in cycles, the importance of an ad's message can be hidden or it can be so EVIDENT that the ad loses appeal.
Consider two polar opposite ad types;
I'm sure you remember the "sing-song" themes of the 1970's. - Each of those ads did implant an (some claim it was subliminal) "image" in our minds to BUY THEIR PRODUCT..... because you remember it('s name) above the other co.
Hollywood noticed a change in John Q. Public's purchasing and then opened up Pandora's box of REALITY selling. This presents ads of either kids in an alley dealing drugs with the sound bytes saying "Kids and drugs do not mix...", or of a more socially correct themed ad, we see Politicians spouting thier rant for thier sponsors' campaigns.
The slant in both ads pose a message. It is dependent upon the message in the ad to steer the ad's mood.
Reply:Advertising is a tool used to communicate information to the audience or customers. And information can be print or commercials form.
Message is the information. Every product carries a message for the consumers. Advertisements need to channelize that information (message) toward the consumers in such a way so that consumers react to it in a positive way; ie.: purchase of product, gaining knowledge, etc.
Reply:You want your home work to be done by others.
Good lol...
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