Sunday, July 11, 2010

Need to get some questions answered by someone in Advertising. Please Help?

Hi :). If you're in Advertising or have to advertise for your job please take your time and answer these questions. A sentence is the minimum, really. Just provide interesting cool details that will grab my attention and you got a best answer!

I know they seem kind of random..but just answer them. I want to know about how much writing is involved in advertising..

Need to get some questions answered by someone in Advertising. Please Help?
1. In your current job/field/area in advertising: How often do you write? Not much. I am a graphic designer.

2. What are the different types (formats) of writing that you do? Every now and then I will write a headline or a photo caption. And of course, I write business correspondence like emails and letters. Other than that, the writers on staff are responsible for the writing. They do newsletters and other publications, brochures, ads, flyers, press releases, scripts, business correspondence, etc.

3. What is the frequency of writing for the different types? I only write email messages on a regular basis. The staff writers do it daily - it's their job.

4. What is the purpose for each of the types? To convey a particular message to the appropriate audience.

5. Approximately how much time do you spend writing each day/each week? Maybe 1 hour/day.

6. Do you follow up telephone conversations and other oral transactions with written documentation? Why is this documentation important in your position or profession? Sometimes, sometimes not. It is often important to confirm the information covered in the conversation. It also serves as a record of the conversation in case there are questions later.

7. Who are your audiences? (Whom do you write to?) For business correspondence, it's co-workers and vendors. For our PR/advertising projects it can be patients, the general public, physicians and employees (I work in the marketing dept. of a hospital.)

8. How would you assess the role of writing in your career? It a small portion of my work. Yet, being familiar with proper writing styles and grammar is important. Being in marketing/advertising/PR is a position that

9. What has been writing’s relative importance in advancing your career and getting pay increases or getting increased responsibilities? None.

10. How would you say that writing for your specific job/position in advertising differs from writing in other fields/positions of Advertising that you can think of? (Ex: Types, frequency %26amp; purpose of writing) It's relatively insignificant in my position, as opposed to those who are actually on staff to do the writing. And the quality of my writing only affects my personal interactions with co-workers and vendors. The PR/advertising writing done by the actual writers has greater impact on a larger variety of audiences, and can affect the organization has a whole.

11. What happens to those people in your organization who do not write effectively ? Within the organization, the problem would be miscommunication. If I don't write effectively, others are just annoyed because they can't clearly understand my message. For communications that go outside of the organization, that could be disasterous. Our writers have to write effectively or they aren't doing their job. And that would lead to termination.

Hope this helps. Email if you have any further questions.

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